Thursday, March 6, 2014


I wasn't planning on blogging today but I figured I would just do a quick life update.

I am still sick. I am feeling a lot better but I still have a terribly runny nose and a cough. But that is a lot better than being stuck in bed all day. I actually managed to clean up today which is a relief since my place was getting a little out of control. There was nothing on television like always so I turned on Netflix and decided to watch old Kardashian episodes for the millionth time (total guilty pleasure!). So that has been going on it the background all day since Owen hasn't shown any interest in the tv for once. 

Owen has been "crawling" all over the place today. He doesn't really crawl on his hands or knees but he uses his arms and pulls his body along the floor. And he actually goes really fast! Also today he was sitting on the floor facing the couch where I was sitting, and he wanted up so he started to reach up and ended up pulling himself up to standing for the first time! And luckily I got my camera out in time to capture it for Brendon to see since he is at work. 

Also I got surprised today because Brendon sent me flowers! I love flowers but never ask for them or expect them because I think that they are over priced and always die so fast. But I do love getting flowers just because. I feel like "just because" flowers mean much more than Valentines Day flowers because there is no pressure for him to buy them, he did it just because he thought of me and wanted to brighten my day. 


On another note, my vehicle is still in the shop and most likely will not be out this week and it has been in since last wednesday. Which means that we will probably have to cancel our Brandon trip this weekend. Frown. We were going to Brandon because we have never had a trip alone as a family yet and havent stayed in a hotel yet with Owen, and my best friend's baby Marlie is turning 1 on Sunday. So now I am super bummed that I will have to miss her birthday party but as long as my car is fixed we will go next weekend instead. 

Until next time folks.


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