Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I will admit I am one of those people who is constantly worried about what people think. When I go get groceries I am convinced that everyone is judging and everyone is staring, although I can almost guarantee that no one even gave me a second glance. I think this stems from growing up somewhere that I felt was a very judgmental place. You were always criticized and judged for everything. Money, status, the vehicle you drove, your last name, the place you worked, and even what you ate for lunch. And I'm not just talking about school bullies. The judgement and criticism follows you until you die in that city and it takes a toll on your self confidence. Now I'm not saying that it was a terrible place to live or anything. I'm just explaining the root of why I believe I am constantly feeling like I am being judged. But I want to change that. I want to do things, and say things for me, and not hold back because I am afraid of what someone might think. That is why I decided to stop with my more private blog and start a new fresh blog and put it out there and let people read my thoughts. The above quote has basically become my new mantra. "A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep". I remind myself this at least once a day. I remind myself that the only opinion that matters to me is my own.  And the more I remind myself of this, the easier it is to just be me.


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