Monday, March 3, 2014

My Advice

Everyone needs to give and receive advice every now and then.

1. If you like it, wear it.
2. No one likes to see a thong hanging out of your pants, or worse, a butt crack.
3. Eventually you will realize that your mom has been right about everything.
4. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems.
5. You can't text message break up.
6. It's never to late to apologize.
7. And only say sorry if you mean it.
8. Same goes with saying I love you.
9. Anything you post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram can and will be viewed and judged by anyone at anytime. 
10. Never send nude photos.
11. You're never too old for cartoons.
12. It's okay to be sad.
13. Nobody likes a bully. At any age. 
14. Admit when you are wrong.
25. Put your phone away every now and then.
16. Spend lots of time with grandparents.
17. Never trust a fart.
18. Write often.
19. Learn to love your body, mind and soul. 
20. Lighten up.
21. Stop making excuses.
22. You will never have a friend quite like your sister.
23. Music can heal all wounds.
24. Remove all the negativity in your life. 
25. Never lie to your significant other.
26. Speaking up for yourself is never a bad idea.
27. Don't expect things to just be handed to you.
28. If it seems too easy, it probably won't work.
29. Always have extra batteries and toilet paper in the house. 
30. Do whatever you need to make yourself a happier, healthier person and don't let anyone get in the way of what you want.


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