Friday, June 6, 2014

Fabulous Friday

So this week has kind of been a messy one. Ever since Owen's birthday he has been sick. I thought that his tummy was just sick from the cake and starting on whole milk but he has had diarrhea every day this week. I think I have narrowed it down to teething because nothing has made it better and he is getting his 7th tooth. Luckily it is starting to get a bit better but it has been messy. You know you are a mom when you can openly talk about poop to everyone and anyone. The "highlight" of my week was when I picked up Owen to go change him and I squished the poop out of his diaper and all onto my favorite shirt. Neat. So we have spent the week watching a lot of Mickey Mouse, having a lot of cuddles and changing a ton of diapers. But no matter what goes wrong in a week there are always reasons to smile. Here's what made me smile this week:

1. I got a ton of cuddles this week which never happens!
2. My ELF order and my new Mary Lou-Manizer highlighter came in the mail.
3. Brendon has been home relatively early this week. 
4. I purchased a book on Chakras and I am really excited to start reading it.
5. I've been getting more sleep than normal and that is amazing.
6. Even with Owen feeling sick, he is getting soooo chatty. He talks and sings and laughs all day long.


What made you smile this week?


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