Monday, March 3, 2014

Sick of Being Sick!

I have been sick for the last week and I am so ready to be healthy again! It started with Owen, who is now 9 months old, getting sick and then I started to feel a tickle in my throat and felt like I was getting a mild cold and then a few days later when he started to feel better I got much, much worse! I have a chest packed full of mucus (ps. one of the worst words ever!), my throat is on fire, my nose is stuffed and constantly running at the same time, and every time I cough it feels like I'm coughing up razor blades. This has rendered me completely useless. Which is not the easiest position to be in when you have a needy baby. Luckily my man friend was home for the last 3 1/2 days and was able to take care of Owen while I tried to recover. He goes back to work tomorrow so I am really hoping that I wake up and feel 100%.


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