Friday, March 7, 2014

Fabulous Friday

So I have decided that every Fabulous Friday (I promise to try my best!) I will be posting the things that made me smile this past week. I chose Friday because although I am not working at the moment, Friday always seems like the end of the week. I want to focus more on the little things in life and I thought this would be a good way to truly think about the good things that happened this week. Here goes nothing! 

What Made Me Smile: 

- that Brendon was home Saturday, Sunday and Monday to help me take care of Owen since I was feeling really sick. 
- that I got to watch Ellen host the Oscars and watch John Travolta screw up saying Idina Menzel's name. 
- that Brendon sent me flowers.
-that my sister was away in Mexico getting some relaxation that she needed and made it home safely on the icy roads.
- that I started to feel better.
- that Owen is crawling more and learned how to pull himself up to standing and learned how to feed himself puffs.
- that we had "deep fried" (oven) pickles for supper on Tuesday.
- that the snow has been really pretty.
- that my SIL is coming over today for a visit.
- that I got morning cuddles from my little man this morning.

I'm sure there are more and there were a couple things that made me frown like being sick, my car still being in the shop and cancelling our weekend trip but there are way more good things and I think it is important to focus on the good things and see how great life really is. Like my tag line says, Think Happy. Be Happy. All you have to do is change your way of thinking to positive and you will have a positive life!

What made you smile this week? 


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