Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Love Yourself

So when a friend of mine told me that there was a new nomination craze sweeping Facebook I cringed. I hated the nek nominations that became so popular where people were "nominated" to drink a ton of alcohol, out do the person that nominated them and post it online. I personally found these nominations to be tacky, humiliating and dangerous. I was so sick of my news feed being flooded with videos of people drinking, that I just didn't even want to check Facebook anymore. 

So I was reluctant to check my feed after hearing that there was a new type of nomination going around. When I got around to checking it out I was scrolling past tons of selfies and couldn't find any destructive or embarrassing behavior. That's when I stopped on one of those selfies and the word "nomination" caught my eye. It was a picture of a girl I know, fresh faced with no make up on. Her caption said that she was nominated for the "love yourself" selfie. The rules are that you take a picture with no makeup and no filter and post it online, as well as nominate friends to do the same.  I went and scrolled back to all those selfies that I ignored and was pleased to see more of the same pictures. Girls with no make up at all posting pictures of themselves the way they naturally are. 

I can't even explain how much I love this! I think that society puts too much pressure on us to cover up our imperfections instead of imbrace them. I have blotchy red skin and terrible dark circles. I used to get asked if I was sick or tired if I didn't wear makeup. I also love makeup. I love to cover it all up and have fun with it. But since I have been home with Owen I hardly wear any. I love letting my skin breathe and have been trying to become more comfortable about going out in public fresh faced but it isn't an easy adjustment. But it is something I am working on. I want to learn to be completely comfortable with myself without having to hide behind makeup. And I hope that others can do the same. That is why I love this "love yourself" nomination so much!

So here is my selife. No makeup, No filter and I didn't even get dressed or run a brush through my hair. This is as real as it gets. 

Love Yourself.


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