Friday, March 28, 2014

Fabulous Friday x 2

Hey guys! I know I've been missing in action lately but I am back! I missed last week's Fabulous Friday post so this will be a Fabulous Friday x 2! 

So this is what has made me smile the last two weeks!

- Owen and I went to Brandon last Tuesday and spent the night with my friend Jodie and her husband Chris and 1 year old Marlie.
- I got to see my besties Travis, Shannon and Kendra in Brandon as well. 
- when I was in Brandon I did a bit of beauty product shopping which always makes me smile! 
- Owen is full on hands and knees crawling now and is crazier than ever! 
- we spent Sunday with Brendon's family in the morning and my siblings in the afternoon. 
- I swear everyone I know is having babies and that makes me smile because I love babies and I love that new lives are being brought into the world.
- Brendon and I started watching Scandal on Netflix and now I am obsessed! Why didn't I discover the awesomeness of Olivia Pope sooner?!
- and today is just an awesome day! It is gorgeous outside, Owen is 10 months old today and we have spent the day playing and dancing and singing. 

What made you smile this week?


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