Friday, April 4, 2014

Fabulous Friday

Hey kids! This week seems like it went by really fast. I honestly don't even remember this week but these are the things that made me smile!

- I did some online shopping again. I ordered 2 brushes from Sigma, a whack of makeup from Elf which I got 50% off, and made a small Sephora order. Stay tuned for a haul post!
- Brendon and I got preapproved for a mortgage on Tuesday 
- Owen is crawling like crazy and starting to pull himself up more
- Brendon and I went to look at 3 houses yesterday with a realtor and didn't find anything that we love but it is a step in the right direction 
- we are also going to look at two houses tomorrow which I am super excited about! 
- we are putting a new living room window in the place we are in now tomorrow which is exciting because ours sucks. I know it seems silly to put a new window in when we are planning on moving but Brendon's dad owns the duplex that we are renting so he's putting new windows in both sides
- we have been bbqing almost every night this week which is amazing because I love to eat BBQ and Brendon loves to BBQ so that means I don't have to cook!
-we went to Estevan and spent time with my family on Sunday which always makes me smile.

What made you smile this week? 


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