Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Making A Change!

So I have decided to make a change. I decided that I want to take my blogging more seriously and I would like to purchase a domain name. Unfortunately don'tquityourdaydream14 makes a dumb domain name. I've also been having some personal issues with my blog and my life and thus decided to purchase a domain and start a new blog. I am going to transfer almost all, if not all of my posts to my new blog so nothing will be different but the name. I've just been feeling in a bit of a rut lately and I thought that a new blog would help me with that. I will still be doing product reviews and beauty posts and I want to incorporate more posts about my family and personal life. I love all of my readers and I hope that you will all follow my to my new blog. I promise it will be bigger and better than this one could ever be.

My new blog is called Ginger Chic and you can find it by clicking on the link or going to

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